「参」入了解 Type of Ginseng – Virtue TCM 醫道閣

「参」入了解 Type of Ginseng


  • 人参
  • 主要分布于中国。大补元气的效果极佳,补心、脾、肺、肾气,安神益智,生津养血。比较适用于身体虚弱、急救虚脱、久病体虚、大病初愈等。用于气虚、急救虚脱、久病体虚者。

  • 高丽参
  • 主要在韩国和朝鲜境内。大补元气,益气摄血,对产后补血、月经量少特别好。

  • 西洋参/花旗参
  • 主产于美国、加拿大,性凉。补气养阴,清热生津,用于气阴两虚,虚热烦倦,口燥喉干等。

  • 党参
  • 性价比高的参类,价格便宜但补气能力比人参弱,可以健脾益肺,补中益气。

  • 太子参
  • 以“清补”为主。与党参和人参相比,补气作用较弱,但生津养阴之力比党参强。能补脾胃,又可以养胃阴。常用于生病后身体虚或老人小儿体虚调养身体。


    Type of Ginseng

    • Ginseng

    Mainly distributed in China. It has the strongest effect on replenishing congenital Qi , it can tonify the heart, spleen, lung, kidney qi, sedate the mind, improve intelligence and nourish blood. It is suitable for weak body constitution due to prolonged illness, collapse, etc. 

    • Korean Ginseng

    Mainly produced from South and North Korea. It can replenish Qi and blood, especially good for postpartum blood loss and less menstrual blood.

    • American Ginseng

    Mainly produced from the United States and Canada. It nourishes Qi and Yin, clear heat, suitable for Qi and Yin deficiency, deficiency heat, fatigue, dry mouth and throat, etc.

    • Codonopsis pilosula

    Cost-effective ginseng, it is cheaper than ginseng but the ability in replenish qi is weaker than ginseng. It can invigorate spleen and lung Qi.

    • Radix pseudostellariae.

    Compared with Codonopsis and ginseng, the effect of tonifying qi is weaker, but the power of  nourishing Yin is stronger. It can tonify spleen and stomach, nourish stomach Yin. It is often used for elderly and children. 

    Contraindication of ginseng: excess heat syndrome, bleeding due to blood heat.
