创办人 – Virtue TCM 醫道閣



Douglas Lim CH 林江豪 醫師

🌿. 馬來西亞衛生部注冊中醫師
🌿. 廣州中醫藥大學-博士 (針灸推拿科)
🌿. 中國中醫科學院-碩士 (中醫骨傷科)
🌿. 北京中醫藥大學-學士 (中醫本科)
🌿. 北京中医药大学马来西亚校友会副主席 
🌿. 世界中醫藥學會聯合會骨傷科專業委員會
🌿. 中國執業醫師資格
🌿. 馬來西亞中醫總會(MCMA)永久會員
🌿. 先後執教於馬來西亞中醫學院,馬來西亞國際大學 (INTI) 中醫系及馬來西亞拉曼大學 (UTAR)
🌿. 中醫系多次於國內外受邀分享中醫相關講座,錄制電視節目及報章專欄專訪


🌿. MOH Registered Traditional and Complementary practitioner 
🌿. Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine-PhD degree (Acupuncture and Tuina)
🌿. China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences- Master degree (Chinese Orthopedic)
🌿. Beijing university of Chinese Medicine-Bachelor degree (Traditional Chinese medicine)
🌿. Vice president of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Malaysian Alumni 
🌿. Committee of World federation of Chinese Orthopedic
🌿. Qualified Chinese medicine practitioner in China
🌿.Registered MCMA permanent member 
🌿. Served as lecturer in Traditional Chinese Medical Institute Malaysia, INTI university and UTAR university 
🌿. Speakers in seminars or TV programs to share on TCM related topics
🌿. Frequently invited as speakers in seminars or interviewee in TV show recording or newspaper column interviews to share on TCM related topics. 



Casey Wong PM 黃佩文 醫師


🌿. 馬來西亞衛生部注冊中醫師
🌿. 上海中醫藥大學- 碩士 (中醫皮膚科)
🌿. 馬來西亞國際醫藥大學-學士 (中醫本科)
🌿. 馬來西亞中醫總會(MCMA)會員


🌿. MOH Registered Traditional and Complementary practitioner 
🌿. Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine- Master degree (Dermatology in Chinese Medicine)
🌿. International Medical University- Bachelor of Hons Science in Chinese Medicine 
🌿. Registered MCMA member 


Thang Rui Ning 鄧瑞寧 醫師

🌿. 馬來西亞衛生部註冊中醫師
🌿. 上海中醫藥大學- 學士(中醫本科)

🌿. MOH Registered Traditional and Complementary practitioner
🌿. Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine-Bachelor of Chinese Medicine