天气太热吃的什么解暑 Food that relieve summer heat – Virtue TCM 醫道閣

天气太热吃的什么解暑 Food that relieve summer heat



1.冬瓜:清热生津,消暑除烦,利尿消肿。 适用于暑热口渴、热咳、痤疮、痔疮等。






The weather in Malaysia is hot and humid year round. What to eat to relieve summer heat in hot weather?

These are the foods that could help you to relieve heaty symptoms such as fever, sore throat, headache, dry mouth and thirst.

  1. Wax gourd: Clear heat and promote diuresis Suitable for people experiencing cough, acne, thirty, hemorrhoids during summer heat.
  1. Watermelon: Clear heat and relieve thirst. Its water content is high and it can relieve acute fever, thirst and sweating during hot weather.
  1. Cucumber: Replenish water and relieve edema.
  1. Chrysanthemum: Clear heat, disperse wind and improve vision. It has anti-inflammatory effects as well.
  1. Honeysuckle: Clear heat, detoxify and stop bleeding, suitable for heat toxin carbuncle, sore throat etc.
  1. Peppermint: clear heat, it has great effect on relieving migraine and common cold in summer heat.