妇科圣药——当归 Angelica sinensis——the holy medicine of gynecology – Virtue TCM 醫道閣

妇科圣药——当归 Angelica sinensis——the holy medicine of gynecology



  • 补血养血:适用于诸多血虚证,如面色苍白、唇甲淡白、心悸、四肢麻木、头晕眼花、手脚冰冷等
  • 调经活血:通经调经,活络止痛。对血虚及血淤等造成的月经不调、月经量少、月经延期、闭经、痛经等
  • 润肠通便:用于血虚肠燥便秘




Angelica is the holy medicine of  gynecology, suitable for people with blood deficiency. 


Bood is the basis of woman’s makeup, process like menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth and lactation are all involving blood. As a common blood tonic herbs- Angelica, also considered as the holy medicine of gynecology.


Benefits of angelica:

  • Nourish blood: Suitable for pale complexion, pale lips, palpitation, dizziness, cold limbs 
  • Regulate menstruation and promote blood circulation: Suitable for less menstrual blood flow, delayed period, painful menstruation due to blood deficiency 
  • Moisture intestine and increase bowel movement 

Dosage: 6-12g per time

Who is not suitable to take Angelica?

People with bloated abdomen, loose stools, pregnancy, and common cold are not suitable.