缓解「眼疲劳」的穴位 Acupressure for eye strain – Virtue TCM 醫道閣

缓解「眼疲劳」的穴位 Acupressure for eye strain



  1. 攒竹:眉毛内侧边沿凹陷处
  2. 鱼腰:瞳孔直上,眉毛中间
  3. 丝竹空:在眉梢凹陷处
  4. 四白:瞳孔直下,眶下孔凹陷处
  5. 阳白:当瞳孔直上,眉上1寸


Massage each point for 10 times gently, do It every morning and night.

Eye strain? Dry eyes? Blurred vision? Sensitive to light? Hard to concentrate?

Massage these acupoints to relieve eye discomfort!

  1. Cuan Zhu: Depression on inner edge of the eyebrow
  1. Yu Yao: Middle of eyebrow
  1. Si Zhu Kong: Depression     on end of eyebrow
  1. Si Bai: Eyes look forward, the points is vertically below the pupil, in the depression at the infraorbital foramen
  1. Yang Bai: 1 Cun above middle of eyebrow 

Massage each point for 10 times gently, do It every morning and night.

