Protection 保护:立刻停止运动,保护受伤的部位。
Rest 休息:受伤后必须休息,保护受伤的肌肉、跟腱和其他组织,防止伤势恶化。
Ice 冰敷:在受伤的部位做冰敷可以在短时间内可以止痛、使血管收缩、减缓受伤部位血液流通而达到消肿作用。单次冰敷维持在15-20分钟,避免冰敷时间长冻伤皮肤。等皮肤回暖后再进行下次冰敷。
Elevation 提高
Tips on sports injury management. What should you do?
Remember P.R.I.C.E!
P: Protection
- Stop exercise immediately to prevent further injury.
R: Rest
- Rest after an injury to allow healing of muscle, tendon, and other tissues.
- Apply ice pack to the injury site can relieve pain, reduce blood flow to the injury site, and reduce swelling. Limit the cold exposure to 15 to 20 minutes for one cycle to avoid frostbite. Wait for your skin to warm before applying the next cycle of ice application.
- Compression can help reduce swelling and reduce internal bleeding by applying pressure to the injury site. The most simple method of compression is using elastic bandage for compression.
E: Elevation
- Elevation is accomplished by positioning the injured area above the level of the heart. It helps to reduce swelling and fluid accumulation in the injured area.
Follow the protocol of P.R.I.C.E. can reduce further damage, pain and swelling.