改善Covid-19症状的穴位 Acupoint that relieve Covid Symptoms – Virtue TCM 醫道閣

改善Covid-19症状的穴位 Acupoint that relieve Covid Symptoms


  • 发烧或恶寒:曲池


  • 咳嗽:天突


  • 气短或呼吸困难:膻中


  • 头疼,喉咙痛: 合谷


  • 近期丧失味觉或嗅觉:百会、印堂、迎香




  • 恶心、呕吐、腹泻: 中脘


Currently, there is no cure for the new coronavirus. Here are the acupoints that could help to relieve COVID-19 symptoms . Self-quarantine covid-19 patients can try to press or massage on the acupoint to relieve your symptoms if you develop any sign and symptoms. Our center does provide online consultation and herbal medication delivery service.

  • Fever and chills: Qu Chi

Quchi: Eliminate external pathogen

  • Cough: Tian Tu

Tian Tu: Relieve wheezing and coughing

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing: Dan Zhong

Dan Zhong: Broaden the chest to regulate qi, clear the lung and stop asthma, and relax the heart

  • Headache or sore throat: He Gu

He Gu: Clear lung heat and relieve pain

  • Loss of taste or smell: Bai Hui, Yin Tang, Ying Xiang

Bai Hui: Unlock orifices and improve sleep

Yin Tang: Improve rhinitis and sleep

YinXiang: Relieve nasal congestion, improve lost of smell

  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea: Zhong Wan

Zhongwan: Stop vomiting and diarrhea, promote digestion
