I, or the person listed below, have discussed with my Traditional Chinese Medicine physician or acupuncturist the specifics of my assessment or treatment and understand the nature, risks and reasons for this procedure. I voluntarily consent to Traditional Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture and understand that I may withdraw my consent and halt my participation at any time.
- I understand that some of the techniques used under the scope of Traditional Chinese Medicine include the use of sterile, single-use needles to penetrate the skin. Additional treatment methods can include, but are not limited to: manipulation, acupuncture, cupping and guasha. Before any of these procedures are performed, my physician will discuss my treatment options and only proceed if my consent is given.
- My physician has informed me of the risks and symptoms of treatments, which can include, but are not limited to: slight pain, light-headedness or nausea, soreness, bruising, bleeding or discolouration of the skin, and the possibility of other unforeseen risks. I freely accept the risks involved with my procedure.
- I will inform my physician if I currently have or develop any major health issues, if I suffer from any type of major bleeding disorder, or if I use a pacemaker.
- I understand that I must let my physician know if I am carrying, or believe to have any infectious agents, including but at not limited to HIV, TB and Hepatitis. In some cases where cross-infection is high, my physician may withhold treatment.
- I understand that there are no guarantees for the results of treatments. Traditional Chinese Medicine does not often provide an instant cure. The length of my treatment depends on the severity of my condition. In some cases my symptoms may temporarily worsen before they begin to improve.
- I am responsible for the full and prompt payment after services have been rendered.
- I have discussed the content of this form with my physician. I acknowledge that I have asked any questions I may have and received answers I understand. By signing this form, I give my informed consent for Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments.