如何判断“垃圾睡眠”?Have you heard of "junk sleep"? – Virtue TCM 醫道閣

如何判断“垃圾睡眠”?Have you heard of "junk sleep"?

  1. 你是否知道自己每晚所需多长时间入眠?
  2. 夜间里,你是否有觉醒过?是否超过两次或以上?
  3. 你是否睡眠安稳或多梦易醒?
  4. 你的总睡眠时间是否大于6个小时?
  5. 次晨你是否感到精力旺盛?



  • 所需入眠时间大于半小时
  • 夜间入睡后觉醒大于两次或以上
  • 睡眠期间经常发梦易醒
  • 总睡眠时间不大于6小时
  • 次晨醒来感觉精神不足,疲惫嗜睡。



Assess yourself now!

  1. Having a hard time falling asleep? How long do you take to fall asleep?
  2. How many times do you wake up during your sleep?
  3. How would you rate your sleep?Easily wake up or frequent dreams?
  4. Do you have more than six hours of sleep?
  5. Do you feel energetic the next morning?


Symptoms stated below are sign of "junk sleep":

-Optimal time to fall asleep is 10- 20 minutes, more than 30 minutes are usual.

-Wake up more than two times

- Frequent nightmares and wake up easily 

- Less than six hours sleep

- Waking up feeling fatigue or exhausted

So ask yourself, are you experiencing the "junk sleep" at the moment? If yes, it's never too late to start improving your lifestyle!
